Why we started Bearacades!

Kane and I decided to start Bearacades! because we are tired of the number of bear/human interactions that are increasingly resulting in dead bears. These encounters are rising steadily with the bear population, and people are not changing their habits – they are expecting the bears to change theirs! The bears just figure our garbage and bird feeders are open invitations, and when you think about it, that’s exactly what they are. Some of them figure out that we have food inside our houses, too.
What services we offer.

We offer a range of solutions to deter bears from properties, including electric fencing and other products, based on the needs of each site. Education and information, having the property owner understand what the bear is attempting to do, based on what the owner is doing, and then changing that scenario is crucial to the solution. Our team is ready to help you now so give us a call.
What else we do:
Because encounters are more often a “people” problem than a “bear” problem, public education is a huge component of what we are trying to achieve. People often don’t realize that sometimes small changes in what they’re doing can make a huge difference in how a bear responds. Garbage is a big example. With more and more bears on the landscape, especially in a poor forage year, they’re looking for easier food sources. With the influx of visitors to our area who are not familiar with these issues, more garbage is left available for scavenging, and it reinforces and perpetuates the problem, especially when a mama bear teaches her cubs that garbage is a good food source.
We will educate people to get involved
Bearacades! offers educational programs to homeowners and groups interested in learning about bears and how to coexist with them.
Get in touch with us
Call us at 845-417-8928. We work closely with the DEC and Friends of the Feathered and Furry Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.