We love bears. OUR GOAL is to provide solutions to homeowners with bear problems. While protecting your property, we save the lives of bears who would otherwise become nuisance bears. By not rewarding their bad behavior, they will soon become discouraged and move on.

An orphan cub captured near Fleischmanns on February 14, 2019

A bear pool party.
Damage from a bear trying to enter a house.

We offer a range of solutions to deter bears from properties, including electric fencing and other products, based on the needs of each site. Education and information are a big part of what we do. Having the property owner understand what the bear is attempting to do, based on what the owner is doing, and then changing that scenario is crucial to the solution.

Bears attack garbage bins.

Open dumpsters attract bears.

Our family decided to start Bearacades because we are tired of the number of bear/human interactions that increasingly result in nuisance bears becoming dead bears.

We offer a range of products depending on each situation. Together, we decide with you, the homeowner, the best strategy and products for your family’s protection.

Bears love humming bird feeders

Bear family climbing on deck.
“Bears are magnificent animals who deserve to be wild. They only come too close when we reward them with food, and then they lose their fear of man.”
